

Inventions and utility models

2015-02-26 ,

By kancelaria

With 0 comments

Our patent attorneys will comprehensively develop the application of your invention or utility model according to the procedure of the Polish Patent Office, European Patent Office or international procedure (PCT).
Moreover, our services cover, among others:

  1. Check of a patentability of an invention,
  2. European patent validation,
  3. Gaining of a supplementary protection certificate (SPC),
  4. Renewal of rights.

We represent our clients during any kind of litigation concerning patent protection.

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Sitko, Czubkowska S&C Patent sp.p., Inflancka 5/5 street, 00-189 Warsaw, registered in the District Court for the capital city Warsaw under KRS number 0000329396, tax identification number NIP 5252455599, and REGON number 141871263.