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  • Law company.


Kancelaria S&C PATENT

S&C Patent is a team of lawyers and representatives of life science provides legal consulting in the field of intellectual property.

Expirienced Patent Attorneys

Our team consist of expirienced Patent Attorneys - lawyers and representatives of life science.

In order to deliver complex services for our clients we cooperate also with other Patent Attorneys and Attorneys-at-law, scientists and engineer i.a. with Attorney at Law Tomasz Gąbka.

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Scope of services

We specialize in copyrights and also in industrial property rights. Our practice includes inter alia cases considering registration and protection of polish, european and international:

  • trade marks
  • designs
  • utility models
  • inventions

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Contact details

For your convenience we run offices in Warsaw and Lublin. We encourage you to contact us through e-mail of mobile:

  • Email: biuro@scpatent.pl
  • prof. Joanna Sitko: 601 979 585
  • Ksawery Czubkowski: 505 219 615
Check our contact details at the bottom of the page.

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We specialize in protection of intellectual property in particular in registration and protection of trademarks, designs, utility models and inventions

Trade marks

Registering of the trade mark will give you efficient protection of your logos and other designations of your products or services.

  1. We will help you with choosing the right strategy of trade mark protection,
  2. We will prepare and submit an application of your trade mark to the Polish Patent Office,
  3. We will help you with gaining protection of your trade mark in the European Union and any country you wish to use a trade mark in according to the procedure of international registration,
  4. We will remind you about vital dates,
  5. We will check whether the registration of your trade mark is possible,
  6. We will advise you how to avoid conflicts with other protected rights of third parties,
  7. If a right to your trade mark is infringed, we will prepare the most favourable action plan for you to protect your rights,
  8. We will conduct an invalidation procedure,
  9. We will represent you during any kind of litigation concerning trade marks protection.


If you need to protect your design, e.g. the packet of a product, the shape of furniture or the pattern of material, we offer you our assistance.

  1. We will prepare all necessary documentation,
  2. We will submit an application of your design to the Polish Patent Office or the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM),
  3. We will advise you what to do if your design is infringed,
  4. We will represent you during any kind of litigation concerning the protection of your design.

Inventions and utility models

Our patent attorneys will comprehensively develop the application of your invention or utility model according to the procedure of the Polish Patent Office, European Patent Office or international procedure (PCT). Moreover, our services cover, among others:

  1. Check of a patentability of an invention,
  2. European patent validation,
  3. Gaining of a supplementary protection certificate (SPC),
  4. Renewal of rights.
We represent our clients during any kind of litigation concerning patent protection.


To protect your copyright (both material and moral), our specialists will prepare for you appropriate agreements concerning transfer or licencing of the copyright. We specialize also in creating and negotiating of the agreements concerning development of the IT systems.

We will represent you during any kind of litigation concerning protection of your copyright


Our team consist of Patent Attorneys - lawyers and the representatives of natural sciences

  • prof. Joanna Sitko

    lawyer, patent attorney and professor at the Department of Enterprise Organisation of the Faculty of Management of the Lublin University of Technology. Read more

  • Ksawery Czubkowski

    M.D., patent attorney. Read more


Kancelaria Prawno-Patentowa Joanna Sitko S&C PATENT, ul. Chopina 31/10, Lublin 20-023, NIP: 712-122-72-49